Terra’s Favorite Things Friday | Favorite Canon Lenses

So this Favorite Things Friday post is for all of you lovely photographers out there.  These lenses are my favorite lenses I shoot with.  I love a great telephoto lens, so the Canon 70-200 2.8 IS ii is my lens I use most.  If I can get the shot with this lens, I will.  My 2nd favorite lens that I love to use for portrait sessions is the 135 2.0.  Both lenses have beautiful bokeh (background blur) and are super fast at focusing and are super sharp.  I have to send my 135 to CPS (Canon Pro Services-a must have service for anyone who owns Canon equipment!) though this week since it fell out of my bag and now makes sounds when it is trying to focus.  I literally almost cried.
best canon lenses, favorite canon lenses, pictureline
I bought both of these beauties at Pictureline, my favorite camera store ever.  (Full disclosure, they don’t pay me to say any of this-I just really love them!!).  They have THE BEST customer service and make you feel like you are in an episode of Cheers when you walk in and everyone knows your name 😀  I don’t even price shop for my camera equipment-I get it all from them if they sell it.