USB Memory Direct Custom USBs | Terra Cooper Photography

I just got these new custom USB drives from USB Memory Direct, which is a wholesale USB company. They contacted me to see if I would like to try these out and they came so fast and how amazing do they look?!?! I can’t wait to give them to my clients!  They have tons of different styles and can customize what you need too. The style they picked out for me was the Tower – and they totally picked the perfect one! They gave me a choice but I really did love the one they chose. I took a few shots of them with a Christmas theme because tis’ the season!!!



I love using my online galleries to deliver my images, but these are such a amazing tangible thing to give to my clients for them to keep their memories safe. I also have clients that have a hard time figuring out the the online galleries, so these will be perfect for them.

They have so many styles to choose from too! You can see them all here.

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