Finalization {adoption}

Yesterday we finalized our adoption of Alayna.  With our adoption what that meant was that our agency no longer had legal custody of her, but we did.  I’ve had a few people ask me if Lauren could change her mind in the six months, and in Utah, as soon as…

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Coming Home {adoption}

Our first week home was a roller coaster of emotions.  We had the most perfect little girl to take care of and love and snuggle all day–and that little girl just happened to look like her birth mom’s twin.  It was hard to not think of Lauren every time I…

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Building a relationship {adoption}

The first time we met Lauren and Matt was on December 6th.  We had been texting and emailing before that, but hadn’t talked on the phone.  We were both so nervous…like pretty much from the text that Lauren asked us if we could meet I don’t think I slept or…

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Family ties {adoption}

In five days we get to finalize our adoption.  I want to share a little more about our adoption story over the next few days and also honor the two people that made it possible for Alayna to be part of our family, her birthparents, Lauren and Matt.  This story…

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