If you are a Colbert loving, Ben & Jerry's eating, French flag waving, fan of Adam Levine I think we should be friends. Enchanté. If you want to see more of my photography work you can see more of it in my blog posts below.
WPPI-Part 2
My Favorite Camera Bags
Cierra + Adam {wedding}
Product Review {Canon 50mm 2.5 macro}
Lenses & Focal Length-what lens is best for you?
WPPI 2013-Part 1
I had the BEST week in Vegas for WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photography Conference). This year the Director of WPPI was my friend, the very talented NYC based photographer, Jason Groupp. He and his team put together a great conference and worked their butts off doing it. If you are even in NYC, make sure to…
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