Family Forever {adoption}

I am still pretty new to the adoption world and I found out this week that November is Adoption Awareness Month.  Kind of perfect timing since I have been posting so much about our adoption 😀  Well today I am posting about one of the best days of my life.…

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FAQ’s and more {adoption)

So today I thought I would answer some questions that I get asked a lot.  Keep in mind that EVERY adoption situation is different, so I can only speak to my situation. 😀 I wrote about some of the FAQ’s we got before placement in this blog post, Our adoption…

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Finalization {adoption}

Yesterday we finalized our adoption of Alayna.  With our adoption what that meant was that our agency no longer had legal custody of her, but we did.  I’ve had a few people ask me if Lauren could change her mind in the six months, and in Utah, as soon as…

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Coming Home {adoption}

Our first week home was a roller coaster of emotions.  We had the most perfect little girl to take care of and love and snuggle all day–and that little girl just happened to look like her birth mom’s twin.  It was hard to not think of Lauren every time I…

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Love at first sight {adoption}

I decided I wanted to write about our adoption story every day for about a week.  I am doing this to try to preserve the memories I have because I know I will forget so many details later and I really want to remember them for Alayna some day.  I…

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