Alayna’s Photo Birth Story

Today I want to share with you Alayna’s birth story. I have never shot one before and it was one of the most sacred, wonderful experience I have EVER had. I was so honored to be in the room when she was born. I wanted so much to have her…

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Placement of Alayna

Thank you Brittany Cascio for taking the pictures of this sacred moment.  I chose this song because it sounds like to me each beat is like a step hard to take.  That is exactly what this day felt like.  This is my side of our story.  I know Lauren has…

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Meeting Alayna

On Sunday we took our boys to the hospital to meet baby Alayna.  It was an amazing, spiritual experience and it was just so wonderful to have our whole family together-including Matt and Lauren.  They are part of our family forever 😀   My friend Davey Orgill from Pointe Digital came…

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The cutest baby girl I’ve ever seen

Meet Alayna Lauren.  She is pretty  much the most beautiful baby girl I’ve ever seen.  I may be a little biased, but isn’t she gorgeous!?  She looks just like her mommy Lauren.  More pictures to come and more about our amazing journey of adoption. Now  head on over to my…

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Our adoption {FAQ’s}

So I thought I would write a little about OUR adoption.  I know that everyone’s situation is totally different.  Everyone does things in different ways, but I am just going to answer some questions that most people ask me about OUR adoption. 1.  “Is it an Open Adoption?  What does…

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My favorite lens-Canon 70-200 f2.8L II

Today I’m going to tell you about my favorite lens of all time.  It is the Canon 70-200 f2.8L II with image stabilization, pictured below-isn’t she pretty?!!? This lens I probably use 80% of the time and I love it.  I love it for portraits, for candid shots at weddings, I…

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