Kayla + Austin {engagements}

This was the second day in a row I shot with rain chasing me! Everytime we would stop to take pictures, the rain would start a few minutes later. We had quite the entourage with us-Kayla’s mom, dad, grandma, Austin’s mom and my assistant/former bride/friend of Kayla’s Brittnie 😀 We had a great time literally running from place to place. We brought along my pink couch and they brought some cute bikes. The one that Austin was riding was really hard to ride and try to hold Kayla’s hand, but it was really funny to watch! We ended on a dock (not going to say how we got on there…wait there is a picture I think ;D hehe and they danced in the rain. Good times for sure! Thanks everyone for the adventure!!

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Mikael {senior pictures}

Mikael is the cousin of Maddi-the wedding I just uploaded. Man do they have great genes, right!!?! Mikael is such a sweetheart. She also loves watching America’s Next Top Model {like me :D} and we had fun “playing” for sure. If people were driving past us they would think we were crazy doing our ANTM poses and laughing. I kept referencing Superstar’s scene of SUPERMODEL DOCUMENTARY HOUR! Here’s the link if you haven’t seen it-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sImj8OoKXVs I had a blast with her and her mom!

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Kami {senior pictures}

Kami interned for me last year a lot and it was so fun to have her on the other side of the camera. She is super gorgeous with hair that she is lucky I didn’t try to steal ;D I was on three hours of sleep that day, so it was pretty funny I’m sure for her and her mom to watch me try to direct and just speak sometimes!

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McCall + Mike {wedding}

What a day this was! I started the bad luck by dropping my lens right before family pictures and totally breaking it. Then McCall’s brother {her brothers are acrobats-just look at the picts!} got a bloody nose doing a hand stand, then one of their guests fell down the stairs of the temple. Luckily once family picts were over it was good luck from then on out! Her family is hilarious and kept cracking up Ryan and I (Ryan Hinman was their videographer).

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Lauren + Jake {formals}

It was POURING rain and snow all day the day we took these pictures. It actually rained until just twenty minutes before we got to the Salt Flats. We were praying it would stop and we got our wish-SUPER SUNNY (not warm) but REALLY sunny. I wore my rain boots just in case, so I was super styling out there ;D Jake and Lauren are really easy to photograph, so that made it fun. Lauren’s brother Ryan came a long too and shot an amazing film for them (watch it below). So worth the drive for sure!!! Her dress is from the Bride’s Shop; Hair and Make-Up by Moore Design-these girls came out with us to put Lauren’s hair up so she could have two looks. Jake’s suit was custom made.

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Heather + Steve {engagements}

I was so excited to do Heather and Steve’s engagements. Heather is a huge Harry Potter fan, so I knew we would get along just fine 😀 I brought them a chocolate frog and some Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans to get some cool ring shots with and also to have fun eating 😀 They go to school in Logan, so we did the pictures up there. They even brought along his grandma’s couch to get pictures on. Steve lives with his grandma while he goes to school and a lot of important talks/moments on that couch. They also both love Kenny Chesney, so while we were doing pictures we put on some of his music on my phone and it was fun to jam out to some country ;D

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