Lindell {family}

I’ve known this mom in the family for almost all of my life. They moved to New Mexico and came to visit family, so we scheduled some pictures. I suggested we do some of them with the mountains in the background so when they looked at them they would be reminded of home 😀 Their kids did so great, despite the cold and mosquitoes eating us alive!

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Cassidee + Connor {engagements}

Cassidee & Connor grew up together, but never really hung out. On their first date they watched a movie on an inflatable screen and they think they watched Wolverine ;D They love going to concerts and are learning to play the guitar together. Connor made some “band” posters for the both of them and we put them all around them as they played the guitar. Although Connor was having some competition from another guy playing the guitar on the street! Their colors are yellow and gray and we went on a photo scavenger hunt and found a yellow door and a super cute yellow house and some gray walls too. I love just driving around and finding new locations! We ended the session on a VERY busy road getting picts of the mountains at sunset and felt like we were going to die as the cars and MANY semi’s zoomed past us. Thanks for being such troopers Cass and Conn! You guys are awesome!!

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Lauren + Jake {engagements}

Lauren and Jake were my Deserving Bride Contest Winners. They are such a fun, amazing couple and I am so glad I chose them!!! Earlier that morning I did one of my angel baby sessions for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep and it was really hard. I was not feeling very happy or energetic. BUT as soon as they got there they were so excited to see me and do the pictures that their happiness was contagious. They were a perfect distraction and we had the best time! We drove all over Ogden where Jake’s grandpa used to be the mayor. Jake even threw out the first pitch at the new Raptors field when he was a little boy. Then we ended the night in my favorite orchard and got perfect evening light to have some fun sun effects, which Lauren loved. I can’t wait for our next shoot!!

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Locke {1 year}

Locke is such a sweetheart! He was SUCH a good boy for us during our almost two hour shoot and even gave me a big hug that literally knocked me over 😀 I thought I sprained my thumb-luckily I didn’t! We did a few locations, then ended with some birthday cake-which was NOT his favorite. I’ve only had two babies hate cake and he HATED the cake! Such a funny memory though!

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