Discount Day October 22nd

I will only be doing one discount day in October due to limited time I have this year.  So if you want a spot, contact me asap!

Info about discount days:

*The locations will be morning-urban/evening-nature.

*Discount sessions are 30 minutes and $195 for returning customers, $225 for new customers.

*That includes all high resolution negatives from the session on a disc. (typically 40-70 images)

* The full balance is due at the time of your session.

*You must arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time. If you are late you will only have the time allotted to you in your session. If you miss your slot you will lose your deposit.

*Discount days are for families (up to 6 people), kids, seniors, individuals, or engagement mini sessions.

*Contact me with any questions or to reserve your time.

Also all of my former Mountain View students also get HUGE discounts on their senior pictures.  Contact me for details!

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