WPPI 2013-Part 1

I had the BEST week in Vegas for WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photography Conference).  This year the Director of WPPI was my friend, the very talented NYC based photographer, Jason Groupp.  He and his team put together a great conference and worked their butts off doing it.  If you are even in NYC, make sure to…

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Magnifique Moms {workshop}

After a few things that have happened in my life recently, I decided I wanted to do a workshop that is focused on moms or other people that want to know how to take better pictures of their kids. With most of my kids pictures on my phone, I know I need to be better at capturing actual moments in their lives, rather that just pulling out my nice camera for them once a year to do portraits for our Christmas card! So many moms get decent cameras just to take nice pictures of their kids, but then they get frustrated with all the menus, buttons, the thick manual, so they give up. I hope that I can be better and hope that I can inspire some moms to be better at taking the time to capture those fleeting moments we have with our kids. Click on view full post for the details!

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