Kim + Brent {wedding}

Kim and Brent met while competing on the BYU ballroom dance team. It is so beautiful to watch them dance together and I love that they both are aware of their bodies and because of that-they are so easy to photograph! I had done Kim’s brother’s wedding 3 years ago and it was so fun to see him and his gorgeous wife again. What a gorgeous reception! Kim and Brent held their reception at the American Fork Amphitheater. I absolutely love the color combination Kim picked of the peach/light pinks with the eggplant purple. GORGEOUS. Kim lived in Italy for a few years and they wanted it to also have an Italian feel. They had fire-oven pizza that was AMAZING, gelato from the nicest Italian company based right here in Salt Lake, and homemade recipes by family and friends. Their family and friends danced the night away and we ended the night watching them leave in their post-it covered car {which was so cute!}

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Tara + Ben {wedding}

Tara and Ben had an amazing wedding at the Salt Lake Temple followed by two gorgeous receptions. Tara and her family and friends did a lot of the details. I will post later all of her inspiration when she gets back from her honeymoon, but I had to post pictures because I can’t wait!

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Happy Anniversary {Kassi +Kevin}

Kassi & Kevin had such a beautiful wedding. It helped that Kassi’s family is in the wedding business and they are all so talented! Her grandmother made her gorgeous dress and did the decorations. Her aunt did the flowers and Kassi and her mom even did some of the details at the wedding-like Kassi made the bridesmaid necklaces. It started raining right before her reception, but passed over quickly and left them with a beautiful night, and even a rainbow 😀

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Happy Anniversary {Baylee + Harrison}

Well get ready for a few Happy First Anniversaries! I had 4 weddings last year in a row and I am posting them all now because I am off to Girls Camp this week. So my first was Baylee and Harrison. They were such a fun couple to photography. They had such an amazing natural chemistry together and all of our cheeks must have hurt at the end of the day because we were smiling all day long 😀

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Happy Anniversary {Michelle + Brock}

Michelle and Brock were married one year ago today-on my anniversary actually! I couldn’t think of a better couple to spend my anniversary with at the temple I was married in. Their family and friends were so nice and we had a lot of fun. I also started losing my voice that night…..little did I know it would be completely gone the next week when I had FOUR weddings in a week! So next week will be full of first year anniversaries! Congrats Michelle & Brock! I hope it has been great!

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Happy Anniversary {Ruthann + Jason}

I missed this anniversary this month-sorry Ruthann-you know I was thinking about you! I traveled to Ohio to do Ruthann & Jason’s fabulous wedding last year. It was the HOTTEST wedding I’ve ever done and there were a lot of stories to tell after their amazing wedding-they even ended the night with a fireworks show for their family and friends!

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