Kylee + Seth {reception}

Kylee & Seth’s reception turned out to have great weather, a little chilly, but no rain or wind! At the first of the reception I went up in their helicopter and got shots from above (to see those, click here), then after we landed I got to warm up with homemade pizza (that was SUPER delicious) & speciality hot drinks from Marvelous Catering. The other guests also enjoyed homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches, speciality cold & hot drinks, salads and cake. Her linens were gorgeous and so were the flowers. We had a great time dancing to keep us warm too!

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Kylee + Seth {luncheon/family}

It was so WINDY during Kylee & Seth’s luncheon. Luckily it died down for the reception. The linens were blowing everywhere and wouldn’t lie flat for the pictures. It was still super pretty though and the food was delicious. It was catered by Marvelous Catering. They had their father’s give speeches and it was fun to learn more about Kylee and Seth.

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