Kayla + Bryan {wedding pre-shoot}

I really can’t get over how much I love these images. I really can’t get over how much I love this couple!! I had found a wedding dress from JCrew for only $10, so I bought a few to do some fun sessions with where I didn’t have to worry about getting the dress dirty. It just so happened that Kayla fit PERFECTLY in one of them, so we decided to do a mini-shoot the day before her wedding. She got cute cardigan and a blue ribbon for the dress and she wore her grandmothers jewelry and we headed out to the beach. It was a little foggy, which made for heavenly light. I don’t think I have ever had this much fun at a shoot-getting waist deep in the water, dodging waves-it was a total adrenaline rush. Kayla had always dreamed since she was a little girl of getting her wedding pictures at the beach, so I am so glad I had a little hand in making that come true. Her and Bryan have CRAZY natural chemistry together and it was just fun to watch and capture their moments.

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