Happy Anniversary {Ruthann + Jason}

I missed this anniversary this month-sorry Ruthann-you know I was thinking about you! I traveled to Ohio to do Ruthann & Jason’s fabulous wedding last year. It was the HOTTEST wedding I’ve ever done and there were a lot of stories to tell after their amazing wedding-they even ended the night with a fireworks show for their family and friends!

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Katelin + Zach {invitations}

Katelin and Zach are using vintage postcards throughout their wedding, so I thought it would be so fun to have their wedding invitation in the style of an actual postcard. Zach also does graphic design and I had him create the “stamp” for the postcards. Katelin loves dinosaurs, so he created a dinosaur stamp for them. There are also hidden touches everywhere with their wedding date. I love when I can create things that are so personal to the couple.

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Tara + Ben {formals}

This couple has pure chemistry. Literally I just have to sit back and watch them and capture moments. It is so amazing! We did a pre-temple shoot with the very talented David Perry and had a ton of fun. Both of their mom’s came and we had assistants and it was just a party. Tara got her gorgeous gown at Gateway Bridal. I almost didn’t get to this shoot because I had a flat tire on the way, but luckily my sweet assistant’s husband offered to switch me cars and took my tire to get fixed. We had amazing clouds and light, along with a rainbow and even a little rain. It was really, not to overuse the word, but really it was amazing. 😀

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Amanda + Brandon {engagements}

Amanda and Brandon are getting married in Las Vegas in September. They were introduced by some friends and have been together for three years. They are so excited to get married and you can see how much they love each other just by watching them. Thanks guys for coming up from Salt Lake to do a discount day session with me. It was a lot of fun!

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