Kayla + Bryan {wedding}

Kayla and Bryan were married on a sunny day in the San Diego Temple. It was really special because I was able to attend their sealing with them. When they came out there was a fog bank just west of us that we thought was going to come in, which it never did. It may have been really cool though if it did! Then we drove an hour inland to a small luncheon for their family and friends, then literally raced back to the beach (over an hour away!) to get a few shots of them on the beach in their actual wedding clothes. The only problem was the sun had already gone down by the time we got there, so I was really grateful we had at least done a shoot the day before to get some really cool beach shots. The great thing about both of their families is that they seriously take you in as a part of their family. One of my other favorite things was watching Bryan’s interaction with his mom. She has such a great relationship with all of her boys that it made me want that with mine someday.