Kayla + Bryan {wedding pre-shoot}

I really can’t get over how much I love these images. I really can’t get over how much I love this couple!! I had found a wedding dress from JCrew for only $10, so I bought a few to do some fun sessions with where I didn’t have to worry about getting the dress dirty. It just so happened that Kayla fit PERFECTLY in one of them, so we decided to do a mini-shoot the day before her wedding. She got cute cardigan and a blue ribbon for the dress and she wore her grandmothers jewelry and we headed out to the beach. It was a little foggy, which made for heavenly light. I don’t think I have ever had this much fun at a shoot-getting waist deep in the water, dodging waves-it was a total adrenaline rush. Kayla had always dreamed since she was a little girl of getting her wedding pictures at the beach, so I am so glad I had a little hand in making that come true. Her and Bryan have CRAZY natural chemistry together and it was just fun to watch and capture their moments.

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Aubrie {8 years old}

Aubrie turned 8 and her mom wanted her to have some birthday pictures. She had such a pretty birthday dress and we even did some in her baptism dress as well. She is such a cute little poser and cracks me up every time I take her pictures.

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Katie + BJ {wedding}

Katie and BJ were SO happy coming out of the temple. I don’t think I’ve seen a bride smile so much. Katie & BJ’s family and friends are AMAZING and I had so much fun with them. It turned out to be a perfect weather day, well except that there were no clouds in the sky 😀 Katie’s favorite color is orange and she found the cutest bridesmaid dresses from Shabby Apple-I actually have had my eye on this particular dress and loved seeing it in person. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their dresses. She wanted a fall look to her wedding, so it worked perfect that orange is her favorite color. Katie and BJ are just one of the happiest, easy going people you will ever meet and I’m so glad I got to work with them and get to know them.

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Steph + Justin {engagements}

I love that in Utah you can get so many different looks for pictures in a small area. While out on the dock taking pictures, the owner of one of the sailboats asked us if we wanted a few shots on his boat. Um, yes we would 😀 Justin is actually from Connecticut and the sailboat made the shoot have a more Connecticut feel to it, which was awesome. I used to teach with Steph’s mom and actually taught her two younger sisters. It was so fun getting to know her better. They brought their two cute puppies, Molly and Max, who were just adorable. Justin is a huge New York Giants fan and has converted Steph to being a huge fan too, so we did a few football playing pictures too. I loved their outfits they put together-I kept telling Steph I was going to have to steal some of them-oh and check out her ring. GORGEOUS! I don’t see many oval shaped diamonds and hers is so pretty. Hope you both have a nice flight today back to Connecticut! Enjoy those fall trees!

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Nicole + Brendan {wedding}

Nicole & Brendan were married at Millennial Falls in front of a huge waterfall. They have been planning their wedding for almost two years because they got married on the very popular 9.10.11 . All of their family and friends were so nice and fun. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, even though rain clouds were just north of us the whole time.

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