Wyatt {1 year old pictures}

I have done Wyatt’s pictures every 3 months since he was born and it was so great to finish our baby’s first year sessions with such a cute concept. His mom made the hot air balloon basket and the layered rainbow cake. It was REALLY cold outside but Wyatt was really good for us. After he dug into his cake he ended up puking up a bit of it. Luckily he was fine the rest of the night. We were even able to get some cute pictures of his parents too 😀

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Dani + Zach {engagments}

Zach called me two days before their engagements to tell me he wanted to give Dani her ring during the session. Little did I know he had been teasing her all week with proposal type situations (I love you puzzle in cupcakes, dinner at a fancy restaurant, and flowers being sent to her work repeatedly) . So during the session I told him our code word would be I would bring up football somehow. So I did, posed them where he was squatting down by her and then he turned to her and proposed. It was so cute. She was REALLY happy-then she hit him for taking so long. It was really funny. Then we went onto take more pictures and found some cool new spots on accident too.

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Melani + Chris {wedding}

Melani and Chris win for the shortest engagement on a wedding that I have ever shot! Her sister called me less than two weeks before the wedding and when she asked if I had that date open, I said….”for this year?!” Luckily I was able to move around some sessions that day so I could shoot for them at the temple. They are both so easy going and fun so they were the perfect couple to pull off a less than 2 week wedding! I loved that they had wrote little messages on her blue Chucks and I loved that they had red, white and navy blue as colors. I don’t see that too much and it was really cute. I especially loved the bridesmaids red shoes. I love me some colored shoes!

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Kayla + Bryan {ring ceremony & reception}

Kayla and Bryan had a ring ceremony and reception a week after their wedding in San Diego at the gorgeous Wadley Historical Farms. After the ring ceremony performed by her grandfather, Kayla performed a Polynesian dance for Bryan (she has been taking lessons) and Bryan sang her a song he had wrote for her-which was so sweet. After that we took a few pictures before the dancing began. When Kayla danced with her dad I literally started crying (I’ve never done this before-I see a few of these ;D) and could hardly see to take pictures! I felt like such a baby! I think I have just gotten so close to this family and it was just a precious moment for sure. Her friends really fought for the bouquet, which was hilarious!

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Kayla + Bryan {wedding}

Kayla and Bryan were married on a sunny day in the San Diego Temple. It was really special because I was able to attend their sealing with them. When they came out there was a fog bank just west of us that we thought was going to come in, which it never did. It may have been really cool though if it did! Then we drove an hour inland to a small luncheon for their family and friends, then literally raced back to the beach (over an hour away!) to get a few shots of them on the beach in their actual wedding clothes. The only problem was the sun had already gone down by the time we got there, so I was really grateful we had at least done a shoot the day before to get some really cool beach shots. The great thing about both of their families is that they seriously take you in as a part of their family. One of my other favorite things was watching Bryan’s interaction with his mom. She has such a great relationship with all of her boys that it made me want that with mine someday.

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Kayla {bridals}

I just realized while doing this blogging marathon today that I never posted Kayla’s bridals we did a while ago! So here they are! It was just getting cold when we did these and none of us were dressed for cold weather in the canyon. Luckily we just had fun together withe her mom and sister and laughed-and that kind of kept us warm….ish! Kayla has an old Hollywood type beauty to her face. I love her bone structure and well, as you can see, she is just gorgeous! She has SO much hair-which I found out first hand when I curled it all for our pre-shoot on the beach! I wish I had a 1/4 of her hair!!! {Now you know how bald I am ;D}

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