Kayla + Bryan {wedding}

Kayla and Bryan were married on a sunny day in the San Diego Temple. It was really special because I was able to attend their sealing with them. When they came out there was a fog bank just west of us that we thought was going to come in, which it never did. It may have been really cool though if it did! Then we drove an hour inland to a small luncheon for their family and friends, then literally raced back to the beach (over an hour away!) to get a few shots of them on the beach in their actual wedding clothes. The only problem was the sun had already gone down by the time we got there, so I was really grateful we had at least done a shoot the day before to get some really cool beach shots. The great thing about both of their families is that they seriously take you in as a part of their family. One of my other favorite things was watching Bryan’s interaction with his mom. She has such a great relationship with all of her boys that it made me want that with mine someday.

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Kayla {bridals}

I just realized while doing this blogging marathon today that I never posted Kayla’s bridals we did a while ago! So here they are! It was just getting cold when we did these and none of us were dressed for cold weather in the canyon. Luckily we just had fun together withe her mom and sister and laughed-and that kind of kept us warm….ish! Kayla has an old Hollywood type beauty to her face. I love her bone structure and well, as you can see, she is just gorgeous! She has SO much hair-which I found out first hand when I curled it all for our pre-shoot on the beach! I wish I had a 1/4 of her hair!!! {Now you know how bald I am ;D}

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Kayla + Bryan {wedding pre-shoot}

I really can’t get over how much I love these images. I really can’t get over how much I love this couple!! I had found a wedding dress from JCrew for only $10, so I bought a few to do some fun sessions with where I didn’t have to worry about getting the dress dirty. It just so happened that Kayla fit PERFECTLY in one of them, so we decided to do a mini-shoot the day before her wedding. She got cute cardigan and a blue ribbon for the dress and she wore her grandmothers jewelry and we headed out to the beach. It was a little foggy, which made for heavenly light. I don’t think I have ever had this much fun at a shoot-getting waist deep in the water, dodging waves-it was a total adrenaline rush. Kayla had always dreamed since she was a little girl of getting her wedding pictures at the beach, so I am so glad I had a little hand in making that come true. Her and Bryan have CRAZY natural chemistry together and it was just fun to watch and capture their moments.

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Phippen {family}

It is always so much fun for me to see my former bride & groom’s and take their pictures of their new little families. This baby boy was so good for us despite the fact he hadn’t had a nap, was hungry and it was really cold outside. He absolutely LOVED his puppy and would get the biggest smiles when seeing her.

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Young {family}

This mom wanted to have pictures of her newborn and family at home and looking more casual. I loved doing them and it was a refreshing change. Her baby is so cute and chunky and I love me some chubby babies 😀 Her other two boys were so fun and were such good helpers.

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Rachael {senior pictures}

Rachael is one of my former students. This is the last year that I taught that will be graduating this year. I feel so old! Rachael is gorgeous and hilarious. Not only did she bring cute outfits and a letterman’s jacket, but she brought a Sashquatch costume. Yep, she did and it was so funny we could hardly stand it!

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