Fantasy bridal shoots

This year I am offering Fantasy Bridal Shoots.  There are so many photographers that do inspiration shoots and they are amazing, but I want to do them for just the everyday bride!  All brides should be able to get pictures that are really out of their dreams.  What are your…

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Faces and voices of adoption

Since we adopted, I have had the opportunity to become friends with so many people that are connected to adoption.  I want to honor them today and help share their voice about how adoption has touched their lives and what adoption means to them.  Here are just a few faces…

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Agape project {adoption}

Today I want to share with you a project put together my friend Briana Shuman, the Agape Project.  Agape is a Greek word for a particular type of love. Agape love is love that is based upon principle and is, by far, the noblest type of love. Agape love is unselfish and more than just…

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Alayna’s blessing

After our sealing at the Salt Lake Temple we came back to our church and Josh was able to bless our sweet little Alayna girl.  We were so blessed to have so many family and friends join us for the blessing and a dinner after.  My mom made her gorgeous…

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Our sealing {adoption}

Yesterday I wrote about our Temple Sealing and I am so excited today to share with you the video that my friend, Davey Orgill, did for our family at the temple.  I never regret taking too many pictures, or having our family videos done each year.  These are the things that…

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