Tailey & Shasta | senior pictures

Here are a few more favorites of my cute niece and her best friend. I loved just driving around my city and finding fun places to shoot at. My sister and Shasta’s mom came too and it was nice since we don’t get to hang out that much. I can’t…

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McCormick | family Salt Flats

We drove out to the Salt Flats and found a very, very windy landscape.  Good thing this family is so gorgeous they can pull it off, even in 50 mph winds ;D  Their oldest daughter, Keilara, also needed some more portfolio shots and I was more than happy to oblige…

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Hannah | birth story

Caroline went from getting to the hospital to having a baby in less than 2 hours!!! I am so glad I made it there before little Hannah made her debut. She is such a perfect angel and there were many angels in that room today for sure 😀 If you…

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Marci + Josh | wedding

Marci and Josh got into town just a few days before they got married.  We met the night before and did a preshoot and it was fun to get to know them before their wedding day!  I love Marci’s all lace dress-so classic and timeless.  Also make sure to look…

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Wendy + Gary | engagements

We ended up having to move the day we were going to do these engagement pictures because of the super high wind storm and I am so glad we waited because the weather was gorgeous the next day.  These two are beyond cute together, don’t you think?!?  Wendy and Gary…

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Kourtney | seniors

Another beautiful senior girl-I mean really, I have the best clients.  They are not only beautiful on the outside, but really such great girls.  Kourtney is one of those amazing, gorgeous and smart girls who will make such a difference in this world 😀

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