Cole {senior pictures}

Cole and his mom drove all the way up from Delta to do his senior pictures a few weeks ago. It was cold and windy, but I didn’t even notice really because we (Lauren was with me) had SO much fun with them. He really was amazing because he was…

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Discount Day {July 13th}

I will be doing a discount day on Saturday, July 13th.  This will be my only Discount Day until fall. Info about discount days: *Discount days are for families (up to 6 people), kids, seniors, individuals, maternity, couples or engagement mini sessions. *The location will be in the Ogden area.…

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Hillary + Sloan {engagements}

These two are so much fun! I seriously get the best couples in the world and am not biased at all ;D It had rained almost all day, and Hillary was pretty concerned about the rain, but just in time, the clouds cleared up and we had the most gorgeous…

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