Lacy + Tyler {engagements}

Man this last couples weeks have been HOT HOT HOT!  We thought the canyon would be a little cooler, but it wasn’t.  I tried to find shade when we could, but it seemed like the bugs wanted to be in the shade too, and that’s when we got attacked! Lacy…

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Jessica + Tyler {engagements}

The rain always seemed to be following us during this shoot. We would start at one location and it would start raining. We ended up trying to drive out of the storm and into the sun and found a rainbow-so it all worked out perfect in the end!!! These two…

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Jayme + Mark {engagements}

The day we shot these engagements last week it was raining and probably 35 degrees outside! We were all freezing, but Jayme was a super trooper and never complained. Now it is 90 degrees outside and I can’t believe it has only been a week. That’s Utah for you! Mark…

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Arie + Robbie {formals}

These two are married now so I can finally post their formals!!! The bugs were bad that day at Antelope–not so much with the biting, but with the flying all around our heads 😀 Got to love Antelope Island!!! I LOVED Arie’s dress and how it came off to be…

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Jayme + Mark {formals}

We did this gorgeous formal session at Thanksgiving Point Gardens of Jayme and Mark.  They are getting married TODAY so I can finally post them!  These two are seriously the sweetest.  Jayme’s mom came along and we had fun driving the golf carts around the gardens.

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Crapo {family}

This family came all the way up from Delta to get some pictures on the gorgeous grounds of the Salt Lake Temple. They are one of the nicest families I have ever met. I hope that my boys treat me the way that her boys treat their mom. I love…

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