Lauren + Jake {engagements}

Lauren and Jake were my Deserving Bride Contest Winners. They are such a fun, amazing couple and I am so glad I chose them!!! Earlier that morning I did one of my angel baby sessions for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep and it was really hard. I was not feeling very happy or energetic. BUT as soon as they got there they were so excited to see me and do the pictures that their happiness was contagious. They were a perfect distraction and we had the best time! We drove all over Ogden where Jake’s grandpa used to be the mayor. Jake even threw out the first pitch at the new Raptors field when he was a little boy. Then we ended the night in my favorite orchard and got perfect evening light to have some fun sun effects, which Lauren loved. I can’t wait for our next shoot!!

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Rachael + Thai {engagements}

We started this shoot at Rachael’s mom’s house. It had just snowed the day before and we were so excited because we wanted snow for these picts! I was making a heart in the snow and found their fire pit and was hip deep in the snow-luckily that wasn’t caught on camera! They brought their cute dog Oakley, who was hilarious. He would get so sad when we stopped him from running around to take more posed shots-you can literally see it on his cute puppy face. After we went skiing/snowboarding at Wolf Mountain. I found out the fun way how not fun it is to ski with a heavy camera bag on my back….and how really scary it is to try to take the backpack off, not drop my poles, on a 2 person chair without a safety bar! Good times! I ended up head downhill buried in powder at one point, BUT it was great powder for people that love skiing in powder 😀 Rachael and Thai were so fun to watch together and my favorite shots are of them just having fun together playing around. They were such great sports and put up with my old lady body that needs to start working out again soon-man I am starting to feel old! Travis Richins came up with his brother in law and did an engagement film for them too. I can’t wait to see it! He is amazing 😀

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Fire & Ice {inspiration shoot}

I wanted to do a fire and ice inspiration shoot and got some amazing vendors to help me. The make up and hair was done by Hannah Goodrich. The gorgeous gowns were provided by Janet at Danielle’s Bridal. The beautiful bouquets were done by Emily at Bloomstreet Floral. We were able to do the shoot near the Zermatt Resort and they were so kind to let us change and do hair/make-up in one of their gorgeous rooms. I had two great models, Navy and Natalie and they were such troopers in the cold! Thanks everyone for making this such a success!

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Dani + Zach {wedding}

It was a FREEZING day at the beautiful Logan temple. The wind was so strong, which froze us to our bones! Poor Dani was almost blue! They were so happy and their family was so happy when they came out of the temple. Her grandpa even brought up a red and white vintage car for them to drive away in. Their reception was at the Lodge and they had such a great turn out of their family and friends.

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Amanda + Peter {wedding}

Amanda & Pete were married at the gorgeous Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City. They had all of their close family and friends there to celebrate their marriage that was eight years after they first met at Westminster College. The ceremony was conducted by Amanda’s minister from her childhood and was really special. Everyone was dancing and having a great time, even Mr. Spock, at the reception. What an amazing day filled with really fun memories.

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