Happy Birthday Caleb!

I can’t believe that 8 years ago I had this little guy.  Literally he started out as a very little guy, only 3 pounds 3 ounces.  He was impatient to come then (10 weeks early) and is still impatient today!  He is such an amazing boy and I am so…

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Adoption {love}

Many of you already know we are going to adopt a baby girl very soon.  I can’t express the emotions we have gone through the last year.  It has been a roller coaster for sure.  I thought at the start of the process that it wouldn’t be like others had…

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Lindsi + Ryan {wedding}

Lindsi and Ryan’s wedding was so gorgeous. I love the soft pinks and champagnes Lindsi chose for her color palette.  It always adds such elegance and style to a wedding.  It was a really, really cold, windy day in March, but we had a great time and were so glad…

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