Walton {family}

I used to teach with both this mom and dad! They were totally great to work with. It was so fun to see their kids all grown up, especially their baby, who started life at less than 2 pounds!! She is such a doll 😀 I’m so glad we got these done before it got really cold. Oh how I DO NOT love shooting in the winter.

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Rackham {family} k+j

I am so glad I got to do these pictures this year. Having my job makes my friends come and see me at least once a year ;D hehe. So I have been friends with this mom since we were like 9, and now she has a 12 year old…..I am feeling old!!! We talked about our famous 6th grade year of getting into trouble…good times, good times! Now she has a 6th grader. Well her family is absolutely beautiful, as you will see!

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{baby} Wyatt

This baby was so good for us and never cried once, even after multiple prop changes! We did it at his grandma’s house and she had plenty to work with. I love all of his hair and his new baby wrinkly skin! So cute 😀

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