Lindsea + Brandon {temple}

You could only tell it was a cold day by looking at the red ears & noses on some of the people 😀 Other than that, the grass was green, there were even some leaves still on trees! I can’t believe it is almost Christmas and looks like late fall! Lindsea and Brandon were my first couple to get married in the Ogden Temple. It was fun to have a new spot-but I must say, it is a little busy with cars and people (which isn’t a bad thing!). It was fun to meet more of Lindsea’s family (she is my best friends niece) and I even found out that I used to be in Brandon’s ward when I was first married! Small world!

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Lindsea {bridals}

Lindsea got married today, so here are her gorgeous bridals!!! This girl is just SERIOUSLY photogenic! She is in the theater program as WSU and can really take direction well, as well as switch emotions on cue! It is really fun to watch. I think we really got a variety of locations for the shoot and I am so excited for her wedding in December. Thanks to her super helpful mom too-she was walking on rocks barefoot so Lindsea could wear her shoes!

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Katy + Todd {ring ceremony/family}

Let’s just say that during the dinner toasts a story was told about Katy that was one of the funniest, most embarrassing moments I have ever heard! And I won’ t repeat it here-but my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard! Katy & Todd had a ring ceremony after their temple ceremony, then a dinner, followed by a reception. It was a long, wonderful day and their family and friends were seriously so super nice and so much fun to talk to. I want to start having my couples tell a little of their love story on the blog. Here is what Katy said about them:

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Katy + Todd {reception}

Here are some more pictures from Katy & Todd’s amazing wedding day. Katy really paid attention to details, with hot chocolate favors for their guests (it was like 10 degrees that day), and all around the reception their were things to look at and eat 😀 I loved the fall feel with all the fruits and leaves.

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Katy + Todd {temple}

I just really adore this couple! So it was like maybe 10 degrees outside and not one of them was complaining about how cold it was. They were troopers and we got some great shots on this very cold Black Friday. The great thing about getting married on the day after Thanksgiving is that there isn’t a lot of people at the temple, since everyone was out shopping. One tip I have for my winter brides is to wear leggings and boots under your dress-you can get the shoe shots at the bridals, or slip them on for a few shots that day-but you don’t have to freeze! {Well at least your legs :D}. Katy’s took my advice and got some super cute boots and a white coat for in between shots & even for some shots. Thanks also to their parents who braved the cold with us and carried coats and my reflector!

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