Mini Tip Monday | Use Professional Hair/Make Up Artists

As a professional photographer, I know there is a lot more to taking a beautiful picture than just me or my equipment.  The people that make me look even better at my job are professional hair and make up artists.  I NEVER get my family pictures taken without having a professional do my hair and make up because I KNOW what a difference it makes.  They enhance your beauty in pictures and know what to do to contour and shape your best features.  Plus-they are REALLY good and what they do and can create some pretty amazing looks/styles.  I PROMISE it is money well spent to have someone (and TRUST their expertise) do what they are amazing at!

professional hair and make up artists utah

The above hair/make up was done by my fabulous friend Hannah Goodrich.

If you are looking for someone for your shoot/event, some of my favorite hair/make up artists in Utah are:
Hannah Goodrich
Carrie Purser
Stephanie Brinkerhoff
Kristen Packard
Alex Crabtree